the os performs some house keeping at exactly 12:00 midnight
It's caused my timer programs their share of grief...

BTW the tick is quite accurate (1/100th) of a second...
except of course at midnite....?!   not!  the tick count
updates correctly....   whomever steered you away from
using Systicks must just program games.....  (ie animations)

Using systicks and a calibration clock (a 100th of a minute clock)
and comparing the two (a 3x and a timesync clock) the loss was
around 3/100ths (of a minute people!) over 24 hours....
the test was run from 12a to 12a and no doubt the
HouseKeeping was an issue then.   the tick count
continued 'tho the OS froze the system at Midnite...

The 3x is a very accurate 100 of a minute clock....
    using SysTicks.....   you could always poll
       the dragonball directly...........

by comparason the 3c could not keep time if
the devil himself were lightin' fire on it's
charger...   have yet to test out a 505 but
it seems more than fast enough....
Moral  Watch out for your target device!

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