>I'm trying to use FrmNewBitmap to dynamically display a bitmap on a form.
>The bitmap displays fine but my lists become corrupted. If I take the
>FrmNewBitmap call out the lists are fine so I know it's the cause. I'm using
>the POL library so I'm not sure if the problem is because I'm going directly
>to the API from the class library.
>Latest Message:
>I got it to work, but have no reason why it mattered.
>Instead of setting the list items in Constructor, I set them in the code in
>the OnOpen call. I also change the bitmap based on a button press and now
>the lists are fine.
>Strange! Any thoughts as to why this mattered?

Don't know if it helps, but it sounds to me like you perhaps are 
overwriting a buffer in the bitmap? Just a thought really...


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