Is there any way at all to run the CodeWarrior compiler/linker via

I'd really much rather work with makefiles than codewarrior projects.
I've run into a number of issues with codewarrior for my particular

Here are the issues, if you're curious -- but note that at this point, I'd
really just rather use Makefiles:

1) I have a few files that have names that are identical to files in the
MSL.  Sometimes Codewarrior will magically replace my file with its
own (ie. suddenly the path for the file in my project will change to

2) I have so many targets that keeping the compile settings for each
project mostly identical is a major pain (approx 10-15 targets).

3) Somehow or other my *.mcp got corrupted, and I have loads of filled
black boxes where characters used to be in the compile settings. (they're
probably nulls or other binary garbage that CW is refusing to display).

Anyway, I've had no problems with CW in smaller projects, but with this
particular one's size (approx 650 *.c files; some 18 segments of
application) it is becoming quite cumbersome.

- Max

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