Thanks for the information.  I've used cmdide before, but was hoping that
maybe there was something I didn't know regarding using a commandline
compiler/linker.  ah well... :)

On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Ben Combee wrote:

> > 2) I have so many targets that keeping the compile settings for each
> > project mostly identical is a major pain (approx 10-15 targets).
> This can be done a lot easier by exporting settings as XML, then
> reimporting the settings into the panels.

Yeah, that's what I ended up doing to create most of the targets.

> CW has been used to build some really big systems -- we deployed it to a
> telephone switch manufacturer that used it to replace a mainframe-based
> system, and reduced the build time from 3 days to 12 hours... they've
> got projects with thousands of files, many targets, and all sorts of
> cross-building.

That's what I've figured, as CW seems to be the primary development
environment for the Mac; but I thought such a large project in conjunction
with Palm might be very well untested.

I think what'll I'll end up doing then is to use multiple sub-projects.
One question I have about this, which isn't really clear from the docs; is
which targets are built when using sub-projects?  Does it just build every
target in the sub-project, or does it build say, the identical target name
to the currently selected target in the main project?

- Max

ps - Ben - I enjoy your site and associated tips.  Have you thought of
making a mailing list out of them?

pps - I read your PPT presentation and I think including something like
POL in CW 9 is a step in the right direction!

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