On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Daniel Morais wrote:
> > WinScreenLock isn't useful for page flipping in games.
> It isn't actually, but it can be : just allow us to use the pointer returned
> by WinScreenLock and we can take advantage of hardware flipping ! :)

  well, kinda :) there was some discussion about adding a new type
  of lock - which would work better for gaming.

> ( which is working fine on most color devices : Palm IIIc, Palm m505,
> Clié...only the Prism, to my knowledge, does not support this function, which
> is a shame as it use the same LCD controller than the m505... ).

  it didn't work on early clie's either. :) this is due to bugs from
  the licensee.. the prism *should* have worked - but, handspring
  messed up :)

  its just another reason why those display features should be
  available - sometimes developers know better than the licensee
  when it comes to messing with the hardware :)

> > This is normally done with a pair of calls to
> > WinScreenLock. The first copies the screen into a secondary buffer.
> Not if you call WinScreenLock with 'winLockDontCare', which does make sense
> if you are only looking for hardware fliping.
> > So you're both right. It blits and it swaps buffers.
> That's right, my apologies to Matt, I was only seeing my point of vue and
> forgot that this function have other interrests than just doing hardware
> flipping. ( it's quite late, here, and the last nights was very short :)

  daniel - grab the 3.5 source code. i believe it goes into a bit
  of detail on how these routines work. its a pity that the Hwr*
  routines are not available to use tho :(

// az

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