In article <85071@palm-dev-forum>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Short of removing my exception code, is there any way to compile this app
> without resorting to expanded mode? Is there perhaps a more efficient way to
> structure my exception handlers so as to shrink the exception tables? Or
> should I just increment my SOL counter and start working on those callback
> thunks?

Using throw specs can help some.  See my paper from PalmSource 2002 for 
a simple modification you can make to the Palm OS headers that will tell 
the compiler that no OS routine throws an exception, and can reduce the 
size of your exception tables by 15-20%.  See$44.

Outside that, check my site for some more thoughts on exceptions.  Use 
the "disassemble" function to try to find out where your big table hits 
CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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