In article <85413@palm-dev-forum>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] says...
> Thank you for your suggestions. This bit in your PalmSource presentation
> (under 'Header Hacks to Reduce Overhead') is very intriguing, but I'm having
> troubling implementing it.
> The page says, "In PalmTraps.h, modify the OS_CALL macros to add "throw ()"
> to the prototypes" First off, I assume 'PalmTraps.h' should be
> 'PalmTypes.h'? I don't see 'PalmTraps.h' anywhere in the 4.0 SDK. 

Yes, that's right... I didn't proofread that part of the presentation... 
I usually just hit ctrl-' then type _OS_CALL to jump to that header.

> Assuming
> that's right, I don't understand where to add the throw specifier.  The
> '_OS_CALL' macros have definitions like this:
>   #define _OS_CALL(table, vector) = { 0x4E40 + table, vector }
> I tried to figure out how these macros are used, but I seldom work so close
> to the API, and couldn't make much sense of it. I made a few guesses, but
> ended up with syntax errors. Am I being terribly dense here? Where exactly
> does the throw specifier belong?

Put it right before the = sign, so the macros would look like

#define _OS_CALL(table, vector) throw () = { 0x4E40 + table, vector }

I'd #ifdef all your mods in this area against __cplusplus.

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