On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:03:51 -0400, Martan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is there a way to blit directly to the screen for games ?

I am not real familier with bliting, but if you want to access the
display memory you can use this code.

    UInt32 *ScreenAccessPointer;
    UInt32 *screenRegister;
    screenRegister= (UInt32*)0xFFFFFA00;
    ScreenAccessPointer= (UInt32*)*screenRegister;

0xFFFFFA00 is the hardware reigster that points to the display memory.
This may not be true for all roms, but it works on the Palm III. I you
test this in POSE you will generate to warnings, a hardware register
access warning and a display memory access warning.

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