> >Is there a way to blit directly to the screen for games ?
> I am not real familier with bliting, but if you want to access the
> display memory you can use this code.
>     UInt32 *ScreenAccessPointer;
>     UInt32 *screenRegister;
>     screenRegister= (UInt32*)0xFFFFFA00;
>     ScreenAccessPointer= (UInt32*)*screenRegister;
> 0xFFFFFA00 is the hardware reigster that points to the display memory.
> This may not be true for all roms, but it works on the Palm III. I you
> test this in POSE you will generate to warnings, a hardware register
> access warning and a display memory access warning.

  this is evil stuff. it doesn't work on many of the units that are
  currently for sale - there are better ways to do this :) more

 * Determine the pointer to the bitmap data chunk for a specific window.
 * @param win the window.
 * @return a pointer to the bitmap data chunk.
void *
DeviceWindowGetPointer(WinHandle win)
  void *result = NULL;

  // palmos 3.5+       - use BmpGetBits()
  if (DeviceSupportsVersion(romVersion3_5))
    result = BmpGetBits(WinGetBitmap(win));

  // palmos pre 3.5    - use standard technique
    result = (void *)win->displayAddrV20;

  return result;

  and, call:

    UInt8 *ptrLCD = DeviceWindowGetPointer(WinGetDisplayWindow());

  wola :) isn't that much cleaner? you'll need to make sure you can
  access the internal structs.. maybe best to add a #define before and
  after to get around the compiler warning (if you get it) :P


Aaron Ardiri                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEO - CTO                                               +46 70 656 1143
Mobile Wizardry                          http://www.mobilewizardry.com/

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