>>Laurent THALER writes:
>>It still uses a runtime
>>  module - and there is no excuse for that when you use C.
>From: Ron Nicholson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>What percentage of C programs do not contain or use one of:
>   libc
>   stlib
>   stdio
>   PalmOSRuntime_2i_A5.lib
>   MathLib.prc

Wow, what a weird thread!

If you can write in C and are writing single segment programs, then
you don't need to use any of these lib/prc's.    So the answer is that
most PRC's don't use any of these listed items.
Note: The "PalmOSRuntime..." becomes necessary when you go
        "Mathlib.prc" becomes necessary for certain floating point
        arithmetic operations.

If you can't write in C then by all means use one of the other 
programming languages, but don't moan about runtime modules
or code size.  

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc.
Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc., POB 71506, Marietta, Georgia 30007, USA
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