> > Very professional looking, and uses VB structure.  If I was to recommend
> > a BASIC product (which I'm not ;) I'd go with this one.

> You're kidding right?

Only partially.  The IDE looks nice.  I didn't really look closely at the code 
any of those systems produced.  I only really mentioned ones that posted the 
sizes prominently on the page.

> You might as well have recommended VB.NET for writing Kernel extensions to 
> WindowsXP...

I don't use Windows -  I don't write Kernel extensions for Windows - I don't 
use Basic any more (I learned how to program with GWBasic and Quick Basic - 
graduated top of the class in my QBasic course) - and I wouldn't touch .net 
with a 4096 byte keyfile.  I stay well away from Microsoft, thank-e-kindly.

> It has a bloated runtime, doesn't use the PalmOS UI-widget set at all, and 
> is *slower* than NSBasic.

Again, as I currently don't have a device to play with, I didn't test out 
anything.  It -looks- nice.  If I was to write an IDE for GCC and the various 
other tools... hmm... just need to learn QT programming now.

> Heck I think it's slower than the PalmOS itself but don't hold me to that..
> ;)

Palm is suprisingly well designed.  My 16mHz Visor beat down a 200mHz WinCE 
device, no comparison.  The filesystem was better, the Palm API gives me a 
sweet-tooth-ache compared to my glance at WinCE 2.0... 'nuff said.

> Look you're entitled to your opinions, of course, but this recommendation
> is *totally* out of left field, IMHO.

No doubt.  As I said, I don't use Visual Basic, and I don't use these 
compilers/bytecode interpreters.  What I want to see is a 16kb basic 
interpreter on the Palm... console IO suits me fine for small applications.  
GWBasic rocked! ;)

Matthew (Darkstorm) Bevan       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Margin Software, NECTI.         http://www.marginsoftware.com
        Re-inventing the wheel, every time.

 - The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men
of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
                -- Justice Louis D. Brandeis

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