I subscribe to Dr. Dobbs (and I agree with the previous post that this
month's issue is painfully slim), and I think it's a little less than every
other issue, but I haven't really been noticing until now. I also subscribe
to a couple of Java programming magazines, and they feature J2ME articles
every single issue.

Joe Biron

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 29, 2002 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: Palm dev print mags

> >
> Steve Mann once printed a magazine called Tap that dealt with
> development for the Newton, and later Palm OS devices -- he sells an
> archive CD that has all the articles, and there are some good ones
> there.
> >
> Thanks for the almost-correct plug Ben. It was (eventually) called
> PDA Developers, never Tap (that was the old MADA magazine that
> published about 4 issues before going belly up). Unfortunately, the
> CD-ROM is not longer available, but it's not a great loss. We stopped
> published in 1999. A lot has happened since then. Virtually 100% of
> the content is now obsolete.
> It would be great to see a Palm developers magazine, but it's not
> likely to happen considering the size of the Palm developers market.
> Just MHO. Last time I looked (2+ years ago), Dr. Dobbs published
> articles about hand-held development fairly often (every other
> month?).
> Regards,
> Steve Mann
> --
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