On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 08:29:18PM +0100, Aaron Ardiri wrote:
[David H. Silber wrote:]
>> I would love to find a mailing list for users of prc-tools.

Dude, this *is* a mailing list for prc-tools users :-).  In practice, at
least.  In theory, you'd add tools-forum into the mix for the tools-usage
discussions as opposed to the Palm OS programming discussions.

> and, i think it takes a good few seconds for John to create a new one :)
> prc-tools-users for example?

Sure, I could; but at present I'm very very far from convinced that it's
necessary or even a good idea.

At the moment I think the mailing lists here and the newsgroups at
news.falch.net cover the bases more than adequately, and with better
infrastructure than we have at Sourceforge [1].

Project migration discussions would involve experiences users of both
tool chains, so I reckon right here is the place.  Anyway, it's got to
be more interesting than listening to people named "js3guj" posting six
messages accusing other people of being trolls and telling them that
they need to shut up.


[1] In the foo-fora case, that's in spite of Lyris, not because of it :-).

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