Scott wrote:
> There's a difference; the poster that brought 
> up "full-sized" dialogs was talking about 
> 160x160. I use 156 x 156 all the time for 
> preferences that need the room. The 160 x 160, 
> I believe, is not valid according to the 
> guidelines as you've pointed out.

OK, I think I misunderstood you a bit: I somehow
thought you not only didn't like 160*160 screens
-- for good reason -- but also didn't see the need
for having full-screen modal forms in general (and
with full-screen I meant compliant-with-UI-standards
full-screen dialogs, i.e., 156*156).  Sorry about

Like you, I have used 156*156 at times, and I think
if the extra four pixels would have been so 
important to squeeze in more stuff, the screen 
would have had other design problems, too.

> It is too bad that users tolerate this junk.

True.  Not only in the Palm world, of course.

Most of my work as a software developer is 
actually for non-Palm platforms, and it often
amazes me how otherwise skilled developers are so 
ignorant of design guidelines, and often just 
consider their work done when there are still
glaring UI problems to resolve (from simple 
typos to misaligned fields/prompts to 
wrong fonts to modal screens that shouldn't
be modal...).


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