On Sunday, February 23, 2003, at 05:02 AM, Mark Wilden wrote:

From: "Scott Gruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It is too bad that users tolerate this junk.

Maybe users just don't care as much about UI guidelines as some of us do? :)

I don't think they do to be honest. Most customers I have encountered are far more concerned with things like 'reliability' and 'integrity of data' over time. I have seen some real pigs in my time, I remember one system, a train describer, and I think the original UI designer was on a bad acid trip or something. Just about every different screen was differently coloured, used different fonts and just looked like somebody let loose eight pounds of semtex in a paint factory....but....because it worked in a defined manner and worked reliably, day in day out, they were more than happy with it.

I don't think users even know what modal and modeless really mean. If you ask a Word user: 'Is that search dialog modal or modeless?" they wouldn't have a clue. All they know is it just hangs there (in the way most of the time!) until the need it again or close it. That's all they care about and need to know.

The bottom line is I think, to quote Ripping Yarns, "It's not the shorts lad, it's what' in 'em!". Okay, some level of consistency is required for a common LAF but I don't see what the beef is all about over a couple of pixels in the corners and I don't really think that you can infer the programmer is a dumb-ass from that. He might be a genius who's just too busy to worry about such things. Einstein had a wardrobe with seven identical suits so as he wouldn't have to waste mental effort deciding what to wear. How many people looked at him and thought "He always wears the same clothes, how unimaginative he must be!"

Sean Charles.

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