>> FileHand  fileStream;
>> fileStream = FileOpen( 0, "MyPalmFile", 0, 0, fileModeReadWrite, NULL );
> This creates a temporary file...
>> FileSeek (fileStream, 0, fileOriginBeginning );
>> FileWrite(fileStream, name, 1, 20, NULL);
>> FileClose( fileStream );
> ... and this deletes it.

what are you smoking?

FileOpen/FileClose does not create temporary files. this is all
part of the File Streaming API. that is, a convenience system for
reading/writing to a .pdb file without having to worry about record
structures (it stores it as that tho).

i have been using this functionality for years, and, it is NOT
temporary file stuff. in light of the problem, the original 
poster emailed me privately - and, the email should probably be
here in public for forum archive purposes.

Q: how to get access to the data written using FileOpen

POSE:   use the export database option in the emulator
DEVICE: set backup bit, sync - database will be in backup directory

Q: how to read/write the data stored in the .pdb file?

use a desktop utility called 'par'


it will allow you to manipulate file streams directly.

hopefully that will end all discussions on this topic. RTFM guys.

dont email me privately - the forums exist for a reason, and, i 
get enough 'how to i program' type emails a day - i dont need to 
be flooded with more :) thanks for understanding. 

Aaron Ardiri                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CEO - CTO                                              +46 70 656 1143
Mobile Wizardry                         http://www.mobilewizardry.com/

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