On page 145 of the Palm OS Programmers Companion V1 there is an example of a FormGadgetHandlerType in which they set the gadgets visible attribute to true as shown below:

case formGadgetDrawCmd:
        //Sent to active gadgets any time form is
        //drawn or redrawn.
        gadgetP->attr.visible = true;
        handled = true;

Then on page 250 of Palm OS Programmers Reference there is the following statement:

WARNING! PalmSource, Inc. does not support or provide
backward compatibility for the FormGadgetAttrType structure.
Never access its structure members directly, or your code may
break in future versions. Use the information below for debugging
purposes only.

My first question is is there a functional necessity of setting this attribute?
And secondly should we notify Palm of there contradicting documents?



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