Ben Combee a écrit :

> At 10:32 PM 9/11/2003, Luc Le Blanc wrote:
> >I have to beam several records (up to the whole database), not knowing
> >in advance exactly how many (I could indeed count them) nor the total
> >size of them (they're variable size). O'Reilly'sPalmOS Programming book
> >makes it look very simple, but the Palm OS Reference states that prior
> >to OS 4.0, the exchange library (thus ExgSend) could not send multiple
> >objects (records?) in a single connection.
> >
> >What's the best trick to send multiple records in pre-OS 4.0? I assume
> >calling ExgConnect for every bunch of records will trigger a beam accept
> >dialog on the receiving device, an unacceptable solution.
> Is your application on the receiving device?  If so, you can make your own
> wire format that can hold multiple records, and you'll decode that into a
> set of records in your beam receive logic.

Yes, my application has an exclusive use of this data, thus it is the one
receiving it. I have already defined a structure to pack my records into a 4K
chunk (or any other size) that I beam iteratively. But if I have to send
everything at once, I would then initially allocate this chunk to be as big as
the DB itself, which may end up more than 64K, to hold everything I'm beaming.
That means I have to allocate the same kind of buffer on the receiving device
too. Can't it be too big, especially if my application is not the one
currently running on the receiving device?

Is there any good example of such multiple object beaming in pre-OS 4.0
available somewhere?

Luc Le Blanc

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