Ben Combee a écrit :

> At 05:48 AM 9/12/2003, Luc Le Blanc wrote:
> >Ben Combee a écrit :
> >
> > > Is your application on the receiving device?  If so, you can make your own
> > > wire format that can hold multiple records, and you'll decode that into a
> > > set of records in your beam receive logic.
> >
> >Yes, my application has an exclusive use of this data, thus it is the one
> >receiving it. I have already defined a structure to pack my records into a 4K
> >chunk (or any other size) that I beam iteratively. But if I have to send
> >everything at once, I would then initially allocate this chunk to be as big as
> >the DB itself, which may end up more than 64K, to hold everything I'm beaming.
> >That means I have to allocate the same kind of buffer on the receiving device
> >too. Can't it be too big, especially if my application is not the one
> >currently running on the receiving device?
> Hint: the FileOpen/FileRead/FileWrite/FileClose APIs were added to Palm OS
> to give the Exchange Manager an unlimited-length buffer to store data on
> the local device when converting databases into PRC and PDB files for beaming.

Onse the target DB is stored as a filestream on the receiving device, can it be
converted in situ into a DB, other than via a massive read/write operation?

Luc Le Blanc

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