"Tom Frauenhofer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Another alternative - use the Eclipse IDE platform (downloadable from
> http://www.eclipse.org) and the C/C++ Development Toolkit plugin, tied
> prc-tools.  It's free and you can easily extend it to add editors for
> things (for example, you can try one of the free PilRC tool builders if
> don't want to edit the PilRC source directly, or you could buy Falch.net's
> PilRC Designer for $29 and tie it into the .prc files yourself...).  You
> should even be able to tie in GDB debugging.

Has anyone tried graphical debugging with prc-eclipse [1] and the GDB from
PRC Tools 2.3? If so, how did it work? I don't want to "upset" my existing
Falch.net/Cygwin installation by installing PRC Tools 2.3. I don't have
testing machine to try it out either.

I'm using Falch.net right for Palm development, but I would switch to
Eclipse in an instant if only it had working graphical GDB debugging(my main
reason for sticking with Falch.net). The GDB text interface is just too


[1] http://www.redfelineninja.dsl.pipex.com/software.html#eclipse

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