At 02:20 PM 12/16/2003, Regis St-Gelais wrote:
I have a main target and 2 sub targets.

Main target:
-in C.
-All my code is there.
-Uses Palm OS 68K linker
-Has a small RCP resource file (launchercategory and version recources only)
-sub tagert 1 and sub target 2 PRCs are merged by Palm OS 68K Linker with
main target
- sub target 1 and 2 where draged into the main target to make it dependent
of changes in the sub targets

Sub target 1
-in C.
-Uses Macintosh 68K linker and Palmrez Post linker
-All code is simply a dummy code resource
-Has a MAC resource file. (95% of MAC max. resource count)

Sub target 2
-in C.
-Uses Macintosh 68K linker and Palmrez Post linker
-All code is simply a dummy code resource
-Has a MAC resource file. (10% of MAC max. resource count)

If I only make changes to the main target, CW is stable
But if I make changes to one of the sub targets it oftenly crashs or gives
strange compilation errors when it start compiling the main target (after it
has compiled and linked the sub target)

I think the problem is PalmRez. The IDE asks the Mac OS 68K targets for info about their output files, and that request is first handled by the Mac OS 68K linker, and then gets massaged by the PalmRez post-linker. However, PalmRez was written for an older version of the CW IDE plugin interface, so it doesn't return a full set of information, corrupting the IDE's data structures.

Unfortunately, I don't have a way to fix this, since it would require PalmSource to build an updated PalmRez that may not work on older (V6, V7) versions of CW for Palm OS.

CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
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