Yea, known problem, I've just renamed it to exportx or something. Wonder why is that there... didn't they even tested the ssl? :)))

Vu Pham wrote:

Just a report. In the file ssllib.h, there is a definition

typedef struct SslCipherSuiteInfo_st {
UInt8 cipherSuite[2];
UInt16 cipher; /* sslCsiCipherXXX */
UInt16 digest; /* sslCsiDigestXXX */
UInt16 keyExchange; /* sslCsiKeyExchXXX */
UInt16 authentication; /* sslCsiAuthXXX */
UInt16 version;
UInt16 cipherBitLength;
UInt16 cipherKeyLength;
UInt16 keyExchangeLength;
UInt16 authenticationLength;
UInt16 export;
} SslCipherSuiteInfo;

One of the member named "export" and this will cause problem when compiling
with .cpp

This causes me some problems when adapting ssl into my current apps.
Currently I must create a separate .c file to include this ssllib.h, to
wrapper all the necessary functions and then export them under extern "C" to
go around this keyword.


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