try doing something like this....
 #define export __export__or_any_other_name
 #include <SSllib.h>
> --- Virendra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > "export" is a keyword introduced recently in the
> > language to implement the "implementation-model"
> for
> > templates. 
> > 
> > The earlier era of compilers....
> > In order to use any template class, a compiler
> must
> > "see" the entire defintion of the template
> funtions
> > declared within that class. Thus, a programmer has
> > to
> > write the body of all the template funtions in the
> > .h
> > file and #include that file whereever the template
> > class was used. This obviously led to some
> > code-bloating issues and it was left to linker to
> do
> > the duplicate code removal. (Please search this
> > forum
> > for how CW linker avoids introducing the duplicate
> > code names in the various translation units -
> search
> > for something like "templates+code+bloat+ben")
> > 
> > The current scenario...
> > The language has recently introduced the keyowrd
> > 'export' in it that allows one to write the
> > implementation of the template funtions in .cpp
> > files
> > unlike in .h earlier. 
> > 
> > I have never tried using this feature in CW but
> the
> > fact that you say that using SSllib.h containing
> > "export"(=keyword) as a variable in .cpp files
> only
> > (and not in .c files) means the CW has implemented
> > this new fature of the language in it! (Or atleast
> > it
> > is there in hibernation!!) :-)
> > 
> > -Viren
> > 

"There is nothing good or bad, 
There is nothing happy or sad,
Only thinking makes it so!"
- William Shakespeare

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