At 11:30 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
Ben Combee wrote:
At 09:56 AM 3/11/2004, you wrote:
I get "MemoryMgr.c, Line:3760, Invalid chunk ptr"  after my app exits.
I get it only in debug build. In release it works fine.
I tried to debug, but it happens after return from my PilotMain.

This usually means that somewhere in your code, you are overwriting a chunk header, possibly for a system-allocated data chunk.
Have you run your application using the Palm OS Emulator, an OS 4.1 debug ROM, and full checking turned on?

I think trying to free a bad handle in a C++ destructor in a global instance of a class might also cause an error like this?

True. It may be worth rebuilding the runtime library with debug information on and tracing through the shutdown code that runs after your PilotMain returns.

-- Ben Combee, senior DTS engineer, PalmSource, Inc. Read "Combee on Palm OS" at

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