I see...  and thank you for the knowledge.

Just to clarify, I am using the full gzip format when
file compression takes place (when compression level >
0).  When the data is not compressed I do not include
the header or trailing data. 

Are saying that even if the data is not compressed, I
still need to include the header and trailing data if
I am going to pass the data to the deflate function?

Are you also saying that if I do not want the extra
bytes of info added to the file if it is not being
compressed, I could alter the deflate function so when
a compression method other than 8 is specified, no
compression will take place and no extra data will be
> But you
> could cheat a little and
> define your own compression method code to indicate
> raw bytes.


--- Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: joe bloggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > If they decide not to compress the files, the app
> sets
> > the deflate compression level to 0 (indicating
> that no
> > compression is to take place).  This works as
> expected
> > except that the deflate function seems to add a
> few bytes [...]
> > Does anyone know why this extra data is added to
> every
> > chunk passed to the deflate function?  
> That's just how the deflate format works, as defined
> in RFC 1951.
> Do your (optionally) compressed files consist only
> of the raw zlib
> stream?  If so, and if you want the option to store
> a raw uncompressed
> byte stream as well (to avoid this inflation issue)
> then you'll need at
> least a small header on the front to indicate which
> format it is.  If
> so, then consider using the full gzip format (RFC
> 1952).  The gzip
> header has fields for the original file name and
> timestamp and whatnot,
> which may be useful as you are compressing files. 
> It also has a field
> ("CM") to specify compression method.  Oddly the RFC
> defines only one
> allowable compression method (deflate = 8) and
> doesn't define one for
> the "identity algorithm" of raw bytes.  But you
> could cheat a little and
> define your own compression method code to indicate
> raw bytes.
> -slj-
> --
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