>From what you are saying it sounds like the easiest
way  for me to achieve my goal of allowing the user to
choose between uncompressed and compresesd is to copy
files directly (skipping deflate function) if no
compression is required.

That is simple enough and makes perfect sense.

Many thanks,
--- Scott Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: joe bloggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Just to clarify, I am using the full gzip format
> when
> > file compression takes place (when compression
> level >
> > 0).  When the data is not compressed I do not
> include
> > the header or trailing data.
> OK, it sounds like your intent is to produce either
> compressed gzip
> files, or plain uncompressed files.  If this is
> correct, then for the
> latter case can't you just store the original bytes
> and call it an
> uncompressed file?
> Then the issue becomes simply how to discover which
> format is used for a
> given file.  You could use the .gz extension on
> gzipped files, and no
> such extension on a regular file name.  This would
> be nicely compatible
> with the desktop gzip utility, since you did say
> this is for expansion
> cards, which might get mounted on a desktop.  Then
> the likely formats of
> files named (say) Readme.txt and Bible.txt.gz would
> be apparent to
> someone browsing the card.
> Or if you don't want to use a filename extension,
> you could look for the
> gzip magic header value (see the RFC) at the front
> of the file content,
> which would be safe as long as an uncompressed file
> can't possibly start
> with those specific bytes.
> > Are saying that even if the data is not
> compressed, I
> > still need to include the header and trailing data
> if
> > I am going to pass the data to the deflate
> function?
> A zlib stream with no compression is definitely not
> simply a stream
> consisting of the uncompressed bytes.  Just treat
> any zlib stream as a
> black box.
> -slj-
> --
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