I have a function in my app to jump out to Mapquest.  Here is a snippet of
the code I use:  I can't get it to work with WAP though:

                strAdd, strCity, strState, strZip, dstAdd, cInfo->zip);
MemPtrSetOwner(url, 0);

// find clipper and launch it -- Wap = 'WppO'
err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState,
sysFileTApplication, sysFileCClipper, true, &cardNo, &dbID);
if (err) { // Clipper is not present
    err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState,
sysFileTApplication, 'NOVR', true, &cardNo, &dbID);
    if (err) { // WAP is not present
        err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator (true, &searchState,
sysFileTApplication, 'NF3P', true, &cardNo, &dbID);
        if (err) { // Tungsten C Web is not present
            FrmCustomAlert(ErrorAlert, "MapQuest not available.","","");

if (!err) {
    err = SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdGoToURL, url);


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hello all,
> I am trying to get the webbrowser working in palm 5 (btw, is a form of
> this workable in palm 4?), but I am having a problem.
> I took the function directly from the palm webbrowser 2.0 documentation
> called "Creating Web-Enables Apps.pdf".
> the function is
> Err WebBrowserCommand(Boolean subLaunch, UInt16 launchFlags, UInt16
> command, Char *parameterP, UInt32 *resultP)
> in there there is a call to:
> error = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &searchState,
> sysFileTApplication, WebBrowserCreator, true, &cardNo, &dbID);
> For me, this returns an error.  I am unclear where to proceed from here.
> Is this telling me I don't have a web browser installed?  I am not even
> sure my parameters to "DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreater" are correct, but
> here is what I am sending to it:
> //taken from webbrowser.h
> #define WebBrowserCreator 'NF3P'
> the others are self explanatory.  Any help is appreciated, as I am a bit
> confused on this. thanks!
> Glenn Ford
> National Library of Medicine
> Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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