Hi, I want to read a bitmapV3 from resource, modify it, and save it back to
database resource, but the saved resource is not bitmap version 3 and
density of 144, it showed bitmap version 0 and density of 72... I have done
it with the same code for bitmap version 2 (with offscreen creation of
genericFormat) and it works. Below is my code, please help!!!

// open file
DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &ldssInfo, sysFileTApplication, 'ABCD',
true, &lintCard, &llidDB);
ldorDB  = DmOpenDatabase(lintCard, llidDB, dmModeReadWrite);

// read bitmapV3 into memory, modify it and display it on screen
lmhdBitmap = DmGet1Resource('Tbmp', 2008);
if(lmhdBitmap != NULL)
 lbmpBitmap = (BitmapPtr) MemHandleLock(lmhdBitmap);
 lwhdWindow = WinCreateOffscreenWindow(22, 22, nativeFormat, &lerrRV);
 lwhdCurrent = WinGetDisplayWindow();
 WinDrawBitmap(lbmpBitmap, 0, 0);
 WinDrawLine(0, 0, 12, 12);
 lrtpFrame.topLeft.x  = 0;
 lrtpFrame.topLeft.y  = 0;
 lrtpFrame.extent.x  = 22;
 lrtpFrame.extent.y  = 22;
 WinCopyRectangle(lwhdWindow, lwhdCurrent, &lrtpFrame, 30, 20, winPaint);
// display as bitmapV3 on screen successful

// remove bitmapV3 resource
lintRec  = DmFindResource(ldorDB, 'Tbmp', 2008, NULL);
DmRemoveResource(ldorDB, lintRec);

lintDensity = BmpGetDensity(lbmpWindow);    // return 144
lintVersion = BmpGetVersion(lbmpWindow);    // return 3

// get bitmap size
BmpGetSizes(lbmpWindow, &lintData, &lintHeader);
lintTotal = BmpSize(lbmpWindow);

// write bitmap to a new resource
lmhdWindow = DmNewResource(ldorDB, 'Tbmp', 2008, BmpSize(lbmpWindow));
lptrWrite = MemHandleLock(lmhdWindow);
DmWrite(lptrWrite, 0, lbmpWindow, lintHeader);
DmWrite(lptrWrite, lintHeader, BmpGetBits(lbmpWindow), lintData);

// close file
// free offscreen window created
WinDeleteWindow(lwhdWindow, false);


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