Bob wrote:
> Just imagine waking up one morning to find your program available for
> free download on the internet to anyone and everyone who wants it.
> Once that happens, it's over. You aren't selling that program again.

True.  But, short of using some sort of encryption (with a separate
key in each device) and a kernel that makes it impossible for the
user to read the decrypted code, it isn't possible to prevent that.
You can always just disassemble, reverse engineer, and patch the
executable to make an unlocked version.  So, to *really* solve the
problem would require a fundamental change to the way devices are
made and the way the OS executes programs.  Anything else is just
a measure that will increase the hassle of pirating.

However, you're right that the more expensive the program, the
greater the motivation to pirate it.  And the Palm model doesn't
work as well for expensive software as it does for $10 or $20 apps.

  - Logan

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