Actually, I just read this again and I think I may be off-base. What I'm
saying definitely applies to commercially licensed source code, at least
the components that we've licensed, but may not be applicable to
open-source code. The whole thing is pretty complicated, and it really
depends on what license, if any, has been asserted by the developer of
the original code. I'll go back to my initial suggestion, which is to
ask an IP lawyer if you want to be on the safe side. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Cameron 
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 1:06 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: RE: How to write a software license agreement?

> I might not be reading you right, Mark. Are you saying that you can
> include open-source components as part of a propriatary application,
> provided that you significantly change them? That sounds like
> extremely dangerous advice, and I hope I've misunderstood your
> meaning.

No, I'm just saying that open-source components (or components for which
you have commercially licensed source code) typically can be used within
your application, and you can still call the overall application your
own intellectual property. What you can't do is just build the sources
and re-package them as your own commercial products.  This is actually
more applicable to commercial components, but the principles are
basically the same.

For example, we have licensed a communication component, which was
provided to us with source code. We are allowed to use that code within
our product, modified or unmodified, yet we can still copyright our
product as our IP. The license for the component does state however that
we cannot simply re-package their source code, or build it "as is" into
an executable library, and sell that as our own product.

Hope that's a bit more clear. Anyway, I totall agree with what you're
saying in the rest of your e-mail...


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