You mean it is synchronous.  An asynchronous call may not complete before 

-----Original Message-----

From:  "David Thacker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: was RE: Is DmSyncDatabase() synchronous?
Date:  Thu May 12, 2005 7:37 am
Size:  1K
To:  "Palm Developer Forum" <>

DmSyncDatabase appears to to me to be asynchronous, and appears to actually 
do the synchronizing at the time that you call it (as opposed to flagging 
for later syncing).  In my test app, I (attempt to) create 60000 records and 
call DmSyncDatabase every 1000 records.  As the database grows, the 
DmSyncDatabase call takes longer and longer to complete.

No, the test app never does make it to 60000 records on the T5 :-(  I have 
gotten it to make a database up to 43000 records though (60 MB in size!!).

David Thacker

"Jeffry Loucks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

I realize the question appears to be simply a play on words, but I'm serious

If nobody knows if the call is synchronous, has anyone observed anything
that would indicate it is not?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffry Loucks
To: Palm Developer Forum
Sent: 5/10/2005 4:58 PM
Subject: Is DmSyncDatabase() synchronous?

Anyone know if the new DmSyncDatabase() call is synchronous?
I'd like to know if, upon return, the database is completely
flushed to flash or is it simply flagged to be flushed. I
suspect it is synchronous, but I don't know what's behind the
scenes, so I'm not making any assumptions. 

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