Have you ever tried Version 1 of pnoJpeg?

Landon Cunningham wrote:

I know you have all probably read my past post regarding my problems
with encoding using the pnoJpeg lib. I know you must think that the
problem is very similiar to pnoJpegLib: 0-bytes length VFS-file 2005-05-01 09:03:00 <Miguel Angel Sotomayor Hernandez. I have looked
at it and even tried encoding to a memhandle but the same problem
exists, the mem handle is exactly 4kb.

So again what I am doing is trying to encode a bitmap using the pno
jpeg library. I have tried encoding to a filestream which results in
4kb jpeg image which does not open.  Then I have tried using a
memhandle which results in 4kb image. I check the memhandle size
through MemHandleSize() function which results in exactly 4kb or 4096

I have tried looking at past examples and past posts but I seem to get
nowhere. I am just trying to encode a bitmap of the screen which is
160x160. Which as I read should not be a problem right.

I know this must seem very annoying that I try and keep posting the
same problem with the same result. Ie no one helping me. But I have
spent hours trying to search past posts and looking for any results
that relate to this. I do apologize.

Maybe this is some small stupid little problem that most people would
see but I have been looking at my code for way too long and I can't
seem to see it.


Landon C

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