Hello Benjamin,

thanks for your valuable tips. I was looking for solution to do it directly on the device without any conversion step done on PC side. Is it possible to just directly copy font resouces into new resource database, modify density bits and then open and use those fonts?


Stadin, Benjamin wrote:
I'm trying to do it the other way around (converting small palm fonts to 
windows fonts). I didn't find the time to continue yet but these tools may be 
also helpful for you.

Have a look at PalmFontConv and PalmFOntCollector. 

With Palm font collecor you can read fonts from your Palm (use the Emulator) and copy selected fonts into a pdb. Then you can use PoseDBExport or anything similar to copy this font pdb from the Emulator to the PC. In the next step use "extractfonts Fonts.prc" from the palmfontconv package to extract the fonts into a text representation. You then get .txt text file for each font and resolution of the font. Have a look at the headers, there is information for the resolution etc. I think it should be pretty simple if you take the .txt files of a font that has already low and high density bitmap representations (the .txtfiles) size you want and then go from there.
This is what a 'k' looks for example in this text file as bitmap representation.


I was too lazy to do that by hand. It should be simple to write a little tool to do some "pixel doubling" and changing the header info of the .txt files.
Finally you can convert this text fonts into a Palm font again. Good luck ;-)

Benjamin Stadin

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