Henk Jonas wrote:

I'm too lazy to look into the docs, but maybe the colorvalue is not a RGBType?

Here follows the link docs link:


the documents says:

Transparent color: This should either be a palette index or a direct color value (an RGB565 value), depending on the bitmap's depth.

I understand that if I am working with a 16-bit image, a need to pass a rgb565 image.

..and what is a rgb565 image? is a RGB that need to feet the following rules:

     red:   from 0 up to 31
     green: from 0 up to 63
     blue:  from 0 up to 31

but the only values that the function is accepting (that do not lead to the "invalid transparent color" error message) are:

     red:   0
     green: 0
     blue:  0

if you change any value to 1 I get:

"invalid transparent color"

Maybe I am using the wrong struct to pass the values?

>     RGBColorType transparentColor;
>     transparentColor.index=0;  // if you change the (0,0,0)
>     transparentColor.r = 0x0;  //      value, the function
>     transparentColor.b = 0x0;  //      will not work!
>     transparentColor.g = 0x0;  //       why?
>         BmpSetTransparentValue(    (BitmapType*) bmp,  //a 16-bit image
>                 *(UInt32 *)&transparentColor);

Any idea?

Erico Franco

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