John Sutton wrote:
the Palm OS programmers of the world are already ringing their hands.
What a coup for Microsoft.

Yeah, people tend to slit their wrists about these things quickly don't
they ? :)
It's always been an easy decision for us which OS to develop for,
whatever the client demands we do!
You guys who are trying to create a niche market may feel more of an
impact, but with products like that Styletap thing we were discussing
(and I promise I have no connection with them, I just think it's a
fantastic piece of work), we can all develop for both platforms
I'm not going to worry...
Just my two cents worth
John Sutton

StyleTap is indeed a very good interim alternative for those programmers, who, like me, don't readily accept to give in to the Dark Side. But judging from IBM's fate in the OS business after OS/2 surrendered to Win 95 (I know, I maintain a legacy OS/2 app at work), if I had Palm stock, I wouldn't keep it long. What sounds like a good short term move might very well be their demise. And Palm doesn't have IBM's financial strength...

Is Redmond Ben's next career move?

Luc Le Blanc

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