As of OS 3.0 I believe that the maximum size record is
just a bit under 64K. I don't recall the exact number
but I believe it not exactly 64K, just under.

Also the maximum heap allocation is 96K but TCP/IP
stacks take up 32K so back down to 64K as a maximum
allocation size.

I believe this is accurate for the motorolla 68K
Dragonball but not sure about the ARMLETS. Let assume
the dragonball model -the questions remains
? How many allocations of about 64K can one do? 
? What if I need to load an entire record, is it
possible to load all that data, about 64K into a
dynamically allocated buffer

If I were to say parse XML, would it make sense to
load as much as I can into memory and operate on that
for speed or should I iterate the data directly w/in
the storage heap?

--- Roger Stringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 04:17 AM 7/21/2006, you wrote:
> >Subject: No of records
> >From: "Jagat Nibas Mahapatra"
> >Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 15:06:33 +0530
> >
> >What is the maximum number of records I can create
> in a palm database ?
> Palm OS "databases" can have up to 64K "records" and
> each can be up 
> to 64KB in size.
> Having said that, most people try to keep the number
> of "records" 
> less than 16K, for reasons that having been much
> discussed in the archives.
> Do remember that Palm OS "databases" aren't
> databases in the normal 
> understanding of that word.
> Also you can view the "records" as variable length
> blocks into which 
> you can stuff your records.
> Using blocking techniques, you can achieve very
> large record 
> counts.  For example I have some library customers
> with over 200,000 records.
> So if your application has low to moderate record
> counts, just treat 
> the "records" as records.  But if you have high
> record counts you'd 
> be strongly advised to implement blocking techniques
> on those "databases".
> Roger Stringer
> Marietta Systems, Inc. (
> -- 
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