The result is same as from win's prompt... many errors.
The only thing that helps is when I copy arm-palmos\bin\as.exe to bin\as.exe

I found now that there seems to be other more problem:
after calling "arm-palmos-gcc -nostartfiles -o name name.o" it runs lib\gcc-lib\arm-palmos\3.3.1\collect2.exe and ends with illegal instruction in NTVDM CPU...

I have no idea what NTVDM.exe is for and why it fails...

I was using cygwin/prc-tools for long time, but for m68k only. Because it didn't work for ARM I installed new environment from Palm OS Developer suite (I use cygwin only) and added prc-tools-arm. Maybe the problem could be in wrong install steps??? Or something else?


Aaron Ardiri napsal(a):
On 8/7/06, Hynek Sladky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No, I run make.exe from command line.


cygwin is a shell environment - you need to be within that shell in order
to use anything that cygwin has to offer. all the paths to the compiler are
within cygwin, not the msdos command line.

try clicking on cygwin.bat and then acting like you under unix :)

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