(Editors' note: As Pambazuka News 214 was sent early to coincide with the start of the G8 meeting, we received this after the newsletter was sent. We decided therefore to send it as an addendum to issue 214.)


'One of the worst outcomes of injustices is poverty,' says Wangari Maathai, 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Winner. 'It robs human beings of their dignity.'

In one of those curiously poignant moments of history, Professor Maathai spoke at the Africa Diaspora and Development Day in London on 2 July 2005 where thousands of Africans met to discuss their own future, while across the other side of London in Hyde Park, a largely white, apolitical roadshow known as Live8 was busy telling Africans what they really needed.

'When people are poor and when they are reduced to beggars, they feel weak, humiliated, disrespected and undignified,' said Maathai. ' They hide alone in corners and dare not raise their voices. They are therefore, neither heard nor seen. They do not organize but often suffer in isolation and in desperation. Yet all human beings deserve respect and dignity. Indeed it should be unacceptable to push other human beings to such levels of indiginity. Even before any other rights, perhaps it may be time to campaign for all human beings to have the right to a life of dignity: a life devoid of poverty in the midst of plenty because such poverty demonstrates gross inequalities. As long as millions of people live in poverty and indignity, humanity should feel diminished. A time such as this gives all of us, and especially those in leadership, the opportunity to reduce poverty. There is a lot of poverty in Africa. This is largely due to economic injustices, which must be addressed not only by the rich industrialized countries but also by leaders in Africa.'

For the full text of her speech, see http://www.pambazuka.org/ index.php?id=28870

EDITORS: Our thanks to AFFORD for arranging for Pambazuka News to publish this article.

Fahamu - Networks For Social Justice
UK: Frewin Court, 51 Cornmarket Street, Oxford OX1 3HA
South Africa: PO Box 70740, Overport, Durban, KwaZulu Natal 4067


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