African Voices on Development and Social Justice: Editorials from Pambazuka News 2004

Edited by Firoze Manji & Patrick Burnett

"This is a wide ranging informative compilation of essays which offer the very best advocacy for Africa - by Africans."– Glenys Kinnock MEP

Pambazuka News, the electronic newsletter on social justice in Africa, has published an anthology of editorials that provide a perspective on development and social justice in Africa that rarely finds expression elsewhere.

The collection constitutes a valuable record of the views of both African civil society activists and academics on key developments and events in the region during 2004, touching on issues of conflict, development, debt cancellation, women's rights and the role of the international financial institutions in Africa.

Released just after United Kingdom Prime Minister Tony Blair's Commission on Africa has published a bulky report on the continent's challenges, the collection offers viewpoints that are neither complacent or romantic about the conditions created by African governments, nor dismissive about the role played by external forces in the current state in which Africa finds itself.

Consisting of a selection of editorials published in the electronic newsletter during 2004, the 54 editorials included are wide- ranging and compiled into 11 focused chapters. An introductory chapter outlines the global and regional context of 'underdevelopment' in Africa, while special attention is given to the conflicts in The DRC, Rwanda, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

The establishment of the African Union and attempts to develop regional integration are commented upon along with special chapters devoted to resource exploitation, women's rights and the rights of refugees in Africa.

Both the IMF and World Bank celebrated their 60th anniversaries in 2004 and their track-records in Africa are assessed.

The concluding Chapter 11 contains a selection of letters submitted by subscribers to Pambazuka News which demonstrate the lively debate many of these editorials have sparked.

The 47 contributors include such distinguished Africans as Mahmood Mamdani, Adebayo Olukoshi, Kewsi Kwaa Prah, Brian Raftopoulos, Pierre Sane and Ernest Wamba dia Wamba.

Since its establishment in December 2000, Pambazuka News has sought to be a vehicle for commentary, debate and information for those committed to the cause of social justice in Africa. Produced by Fahamu, an organisation that aims to put the technologies and the resources of the internet at the disposal of the movement for social justice in Africa, Pambazuka News provides a weekly summary of events in Africa by including links to key websites, monitoring lists and including material submitted to the newsletter. In addition the newsletter commissions editorials on key issues related to social justice in Africa and it is these articles that form the basis of this book.

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ISBN 9987417353 304pp. 2005 Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Tanzania (Editorials from Pambazuka News series, 1)

North America: $34.95
UK, Europe, rest of the world: £17.95

Ordering information

Africa: $15
Mkuki na Nyota Publishers
PO Box 4246, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel/fax: +255-22 2180479

North America: $34.95
Michigan State University Press
1405 South Harrison Road
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African Books Collective Ltd.
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