I would like to ship a standalone perl executable to others.

My perl script uses the Inline::C module (therefore it has some
inline C code). It also calls an external 3rd party C library
through the Inline::C syntax (MYEXTLIB=> '/home/mylib.so').
It also requires some other modules such as the LWP and Crypt 
I know that PAR can pack all the perl modules required.
But how about the external library 'mylib.so' and also the .so files 
(and other necessary files in the _Inline directory) created by Inline.pm 
because of the inline C code in the perl script? Can PAR able to pack them
If yes, would someone kindly show me how to do it?
(I'm been googling in the Interent but cannot find a workable method).

If not, then how does the system that runs my standalone executable knows 
where to find for those library files? (Or does the current version of PAR
support Inline actually? If not, does it mean that I'm unable to produce
a standalone exectuable for perl scripts that uses Inline?)
Any reply would be greatly appreciated.

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