Hi list,

after some discussion with Roderich, I dove into the PAR::Packer sources and changed some rather integral parts. Here's what happened:

- We had lots of bugs due to XS modules being built into 'parl' being insufficient for the packaged code (Scalar::Util::refaddr()) or incompatible with the packaged XS modules.

Note: Distinguish between the a) system PAR was built on, b) system pp is used on and c) system the resulting binary is used on.

- A possible solution is to use the modules found on the packaging system (b) instead of what was built into parl on system a).

- That either requires rebuilding parl for every call to pp on b) (bad because b) might lack the required tools) or using a stripped down parl.

- A stripped down parl wouldn't work as a standalone PAR loader. ==> parl can't be modified.

- Solution:
--> Leave parl as it is and embed a stripped down version into a pure data module (PAR::StrippedPAR::Static and PAR::StrippedPAR::Dynamic respectively) which is created at PAR build time. --> Extract that parl-without-embedded-modules for each pp call and use it for packaging binary executables.

The reason I chose to embed the stripped parl into a module over adding another (two: static & dynamic) executable files to scripts/ was that the latter approach might have caused confusion when "strippedparl" or so wouldn't work as advertised.

I'm going to commit these changes to SVN now. I strongly urge all of you to test these changes thoroughly. They're somewhat extensive and I would hate if the blew up in my face when I make the 0.958 release.

You can get the latest SVN with this command:

  svn checkout http://svn.openfoundry.org/par/trunk


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