Hi Glenn,

instead of replying to each point, I'll write a coherent reply. I hope you don't mind.

It mostly boils down to this valid question Glenn asked:
> If the stripped parl has a chance of working when executed
> by pp, why would in not be able to work in all cases of
> execution?

Let me put the long answer to this:

A pp-ed binary is basically:
- Some C loading code + a modified perl ==> parl
- PAR (or rather par.pl!) and its dependencies embedded into the above ==> stand-alone parl
- A .par file appended to the above ==> standalone program

Executing this, the first stage extracts the second and uses it to load the third. Removing the second part (par.pl and friends) should stop it from working as expected. That's what I'm seeing on win32 but not on linux. Why? Bear with me:

Roderich and I tried using a parl without the second part on linux. It worked just fine. For the reasons laid out above, it shouldn't have, but it did anyway. So I tried it out and implemented the new behaviour. Understanding what happens during make() in myldr/ was a good part of the work involved. That's not lost.

The experiment worked flawlessly on my linux. Why? Because parl==perl+C has @INC paths compiled into it. It picked up stuff from my installed perl. I don't mind that, of course, for uses of parl via pp which happens on a fully configured perl at all times. When building executables from parl+C+.par but without par.pl+dependencies and running these executables on the same system, parl *still* picked out the dependencies from my system. Here is my big, big error. I didn't expect it to. I recently changed the code in the packaged "main.pl" so that @INC is cleared if you recall. parl picks up the libs, then runs a new interpreter for main.pl which clears *only its own @INC* and runs the user code. Hence the user code doesn't see the hardwired @INC, but parl does.

This is also the reason things blew up on win32: perl doesn't have hardcoded @INC there.

So. The easy way doesn't work. I can either do the embedding of the par.pl+deps code into parl for every pp call or I can roll back svn to the state a few commits ago and call it a broken experiment.

I'm not sure how practical the former is. I'd have to think that through (this time for real).


P.S: Now that you bore with me, I can tell you the short answer: I expected parl not to have perl's compiled-in @INC because I removed it in main.pl. I was wrong.

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