Philippe Schaffnit schrieb:
Right! Thanks a lot for your quick reply: my mistake indeed!

No problem. Happens to everybody.

I had overseen the difference between '--filter' and '--modfilter'...
(maybe a comment in the help: see the other one for each, could be
helpful, but anyone there's no substitue for *carefully* RTFM...)

You're right. Unless I am mistaken, you have commit access to the repository. Just add a short mention of the other switch if you like.

PS: I'm sorry I missed the post you're mentioning, BTW, I don't seem to
be able to get on the list archive right now (something local?).

No idea.

PPS: Yes, I had followed the dissusion which followed your introduction
of Squish, and I was only expecting a small nudge: I am experiencing
some difficulties packing a Perl::Tk script, and I am under the
impression that from some critical amount of code on, Tk starts
mis-behaving, which is what I was trying to look into...

Can't help you there. I successfully packaged a ~80k lines Tk application consisting of 35k lines of my code + CPAN modules. But it wasn't exactly pretty. (Lots of -M's and lots of "require Tk::FOO::BAR;" in the script to make pp happy)

Good luck!


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