On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Mark Dootson wrote:
> A check of the AS820 diff shows Win32::GetCwd has moved from CORE to
> the XS module. I think are going to be stuck with
> if { $^O =~ /^MSWin/) { require Win32; }
> because Win32::LoginName has moved out of the core too.
> Any thoughts?

The Win32 module is part of the core, so the functions haven't really
"moved out of the core".  There is a forwarding stub in win32/win32.c
that should do the "require Win32 0.27" implicitly, so it shouldn't
be necessary to load the module yourself.

The only thing I could think of would be if PAR doesn't bundle Win32.dll.
In that case Win32.pm could bootstrap properly and might either die,
or run in an endless loop if you trap the error.

Note that the new Win32::* behavior will be in Perl 5.8.9 and Perl 5.10
and is not really ActivePerl specific, so PAR should learn to handle
this correctly.  Moving the code out of the win32/win32.c source file
allows us to share the Win32::* function between the cygwin and MSWin32


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