
I don't think everyone is.
I use ActivePerl and can see no benefit for my particular situation in changing.

But Strawberry provides a viable alternative on Windows, and choice has to be a 
good thing.

The nice thing about it is that whatever choice you make at the outset, you are 
not locked in. If you find somewhere down the line that one distribution 
provides something the other does not and you need it, just switch. I can't off 
the top of my head think of anything that would prevent you from doing so.

In any event, in one or two releases Strawberry will have sorted out the minor 
issues around relocation on install and for ActivePerl, folks may realise how 
easy it is to install MinGW now which 'just works' with recent ActivePerl 

At which point, they look technically equivalent to me so it's down to 
questions of your view on licensing and support, which each distribution 
addresses in different ways. Whether one or the other is 'better' is down to 
individual preferences and circumstance.



Paul Miller wrote:
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 08:21:47AM +0200, Alvar Freude wrote:
But since Strawberry can install PPMs too (, there are only a few reasons left to use ActivePerl ...

Why is everyone so down on Active Perl lately?

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