Hi Thomas,

Thomas George wrote:
I'd like to hear from the developers, or some onw who actually knows the answer to this:

I guess both groups include me. Pfew!

What you didn't realize was that the guy you answered that to has been around PAR for longer than most on this list (including myself), knows very, very well what he's doing, is always helpful and friendly and, most importantly, gave you the one correct answer.

I think Roderich deserves a little more respect for the tireless, free, and high-quality support he's been providing for *years*.

Is it possible to decompile or display code that is packaged into an
> executible using PAR or pp..?

I'll repeat the one correct answer that was given earlier:

Simply unzip it. If your unzip utility it brain dead, then do this:

- rename the file to a .zip:
perl -MFile::Copy=move -e "move(shift, q{iamazip.zip});' YOURFILE.exe

- unzip it
unzip iamazip.zip

Or open it with winzip or whatever utility you prefer.


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