Wed Feb 03 15:54:36 2010: Request 54074 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by snaury
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: PAR test fails a gui test with Win32/ 
   Broken in: 1.002
    Severity: Normal
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On Wed Feb 03 08:15:48 2010, wrote:
>      cc='C:/MinGW/bin/gcc.exe'

Aha! You see, here's your problem. myldr/Makefile.PL checks for $cc being 
/^gcc\b/i and your 
$cc clearly doesn't start with gcc. You need to either rebuild Perl so that cc 
is not absolute, or 
ask Steffen Muller to check basename of $cc...

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