Mon Dec 21 08:35:39 2015: Request 110480 was acted upon.
Transaction: Correspondence added by RSCHUPP
       Queue: PAR-Packer
     Subject: Unpacking exe: File exists
   Broken in: (no value)
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
      Status: open
 Ticket <URL: >

On 2015-12-21 07:40:26, wrote:
>         6      0      0  27.12.14 11:49   lib/version

That's the culprit. Packing your executable with "pp -vv ..." might give a clue 
where it is coming from. Did you use any -a or -A options for pp?
Since lib/version has the same timestamp and size as lib/unicore/version, my 
guess is
that it's a stray copy of the latter, i.e do you have a file
<Strawberry install path>/perl/lib/version? 

Cheers, Roderich

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