Hi there

I'm trying to pack a script that use WWW::Mechanize to fetch a https page.
My call to pp is
pp @ppopts_reroid.txt -x -o reroid.exe reroid.pl

My modules list is
-M LWP/Protocol/https.pm
-M PerlIO.pm
-M PerlIO/scalar.pm
-M Storable.pm
-l C:/strawberry/perl/lib/auto/PerlIO/scalar/scalar.xs.dll
-l C:/strawberry/perl/lib/auto/Storable/Storable.xs.dll

Run on a pc without perl installed I'm getting the error
Error GETing https://services.rero.ch/item/1001528198/rero-number: Can't load 
 for module Net::SSLeay: load_file:Le module specifie est introuvable 
(LWP::Protocol::https not installed) at script/reroid.pl line 18.

Thanks for any help


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