My verions of perl is 5.24,
PAR::Packer :  1.037
Module::Scan::Deps: 1.22

U:\>objdump -ax C:\strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\auto\Net\SSLeay\SSLeay.xs.dll | 
grep "DLL Name"
        DLL Name: msvcrt.dll
        DLL Name: KERNEL32.dll
        DLL Name: LIBEAY32_.dll
        DLL Name: SSLEAY32_.dll
        DLL Name: perl524.dll
And my modules list is now
-M PerlIO
-M PerlIO::scalar
-M Storable
-I C:\strawberry\c\bin\libeay32_.dll
-I C:\strawberry\c\bin\ssleay32_.dll

Running the exe still gives an error when perl is removed from my path

Error GETing Can't load 
 for module Net::SSLeay: load_file:The specified module could not be found 
(LWP::Protocol::https not installed) at script/ line 21.

pp -o foo.exe -E "use LWP::UserAgent; say 

works but foo.exe alone crash with
SSL_ca_file U:\docs\perl\etiquettes_explores does not exist at IO/Socket/ 
line 399.


From: Roderich Schupp []
Sent: 22 July 2017 18:55
To: RAPPAZ Francois <>
Subject: Re: LWP::Protocol::https

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 2:29 PM, RAPPAZ Francois via par 
<<>> wrote:
Run on a pc without perl installed I'm getting the error
Error GETing Can't load 
 for module Net::SSLeay: load_file:Le module specifie est introuvable 
(LWP::Protocol::https not installed) at script/<> line 

Which version of perl, PAR::Packer and Module::ScanDeps are you using?

I can't reproduce this (Linux, perl 5.24.1, PAR::Packer 1.037, Module::ScanDeps 
1.23) with a naive

pp -o foo.exe -E 'use LWP::UserAgent; say 

(I double-checked that running foo.exe doesn't use any installed perl stuff).
The problem is probably Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.xs.dll which most likely links 
against some libssl*.dll and libcrypto*.dll (from OpenSSL).
You can check this with

objdump -ax .../Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.xs.dll | grep "DLL Name"

Find these and include them with "-I".

On a side note: your module list looks partially bogus to me

-l C:/strawberry/perl/lib/auto/PerlIO/scalar/scalar.xs.dll
-l C:/strawberry/perl/lib/auto/Storable/Storable.xs.dll

It's never necessary to explicitly include the "glue" DLLs for a perl module if 
the module itself is included implicitly or explicitly as with

-M PerlIO/<>

And these are always included:

-M PerlIO/<>

The "-M Foo/" syntax is deprecated, please use "-M Foo::Bar".

Cheers, Roderich

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